Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Am I being Punk'd?

So my Monday started unlike most other Mondays, sleepy and wishing it were Friday already. Work was...work. I left work at 4:15 p.m. to study for a midterm that I started to mentally prepare for at 8 a.m. that morning.
I parked my car on Wabash (parallel to the curb) between Randolph and Washington (as I always do), paid at the paybox and put the little ticket in the front driver's side window. The area that I parked in was north of a fire hydrant which was not marked with yellow paint. However, there were natural breaks in the sidewalk at points that gave you an indication of where and where not to park. I went to class to take my midterm and planned to return to my car within an hour or so.
An hour later, I took the midterm and returned to my car. As I approached the area where I parked my car, I almost passed out. I seriously thought I was being Punk'd. My car was not parallel to the curb where I left it - it was now parked diagonally ON WABASH in the east lane of southbound traffic!!!
I was so shocked that I didn't know what to do. As people walked by and looked and pointed, I was so embarrassed that I just jumped in and took off (which is why I didn't take a pic to post on the blog). Herein lies the issue, because the City of Chicago does not necessarily hire the most competent people, it was evident that the tow truck driver pulled my car out of its parking space to tow it, realized that I was legally parked and left it in the middle of the lane and went about his (or her) business. Unbelievable!
While a large part of me was thankful that my car was still there, seriously it was so ridiculous and unnecessary that I couldn't help but to be annoyed. Shortly after Jamaal and I went to Bar Louie for burgers and drinks and all of this was a faint memory but nonetheless ridiculous!!!!
The moral of the story is, Mondays is 1/2 price food and drinks at Bar Louie so our bill only came to $19!!!! A great end to a Monday.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Do you have an hour to spare?

Hi friends! In addition to the wonderful arrival of Spring, it's time again for Earth Hour. I remember seeing ads for this last year and planned to look into it but it didn't happen.

Over the past few weeks, I have been seeing these ads again; specifically, a billboard that I pass on my way to and from work each day. Back in January, while I was thinking New Year's resolution type thoughts, I remember thinking that I wanted to put some time into understanding my carbon footprint and how I can decrease it. I hadn't delivered on that promise yet either so now that Earth Hour is only 5 days away, I have another opportunity.

What is Earth Hour?
People from around the globe are committing to turning off their lights for one hour this Saturday, March 28 at 8:30 pm, their local time, to promote global action on climate change.

How can you participate?
Whatever is easiest for you. There are no strict guidelines or requirement to sign up. You can read tips and suggestions for participating on the Earth Hour website.

I hope the weather is nice so I can enjoy an outside activity but if not, a little candlelight would be nice too!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Today is your day!!

Today is your day! A MILLION THANKS to everyone who has showed me so much love on the blog. As of yesterday, readership has increased more than 5 times of what it was for both the months of January and February. This equates to more than 30 hits per week. (Which is huge to me!)

My blog is very special to me and I'm so happy that each of you (I assume) are enjoying it and returning for each new post.

So, today is your day - I give you full permission to ignore your RSS feeds and take a break from my blog. The sunshine today is absolutely gorgeous. You should enjoy it - because that is what I will be doing today. I am spending time with my family this weekend and we have a margarita machine!! So, enough said. See you on Monday!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hey, what are you reading?

I'm a girl that lives in a neverending world of multi-tasking. I try to focus solely on certain things (i.e. spending time with family and friends and enjoying the things that make me happy) but some things I think are such great ideas and if I don't start on it right away, I'll somehow miss the opportunity.

One of those things is reading. I challenged myself to read more this year. So "what am I reading" you ask? Here is the list! (All being read simultaneously with no end in sight!)

Angels and Demons by Dan Brown (The movie starring Tom Hanks is set to be released in May so I have to finish this!)

Vibe (February 2009 Issue) with Kanye West on the cover

Guilty as charged - Real Simple is my secret pre-mommy magazine.
  • Real Simple Solutions-Timesavers
  • Real Simple (January 2009 Issue)-Feel Calmer Now: 20 essential lists to organize your life
  • Real Simple (April 2009 Issue)-Back-to-basics cleaning: 78 easy ideas to make every room shine-fast

Women and Money by Suze Orman

This is something that fits nicely into the "Determination" theme - I need to get at least one of these off the list by the end of the month!
What about you? What are you reading right now? (List all that apply!)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The "Mail" Persuasion

At the end of a long day or a day that didn't go so well, nothing can lift my spirits like receiving mail. Not bills or junk mail that I don't have a use for but mail that was sent to me personally and intended only for me.

It doesn't have to be super-surprising, it can be as simple as when I've ordered things online and they have arrived. Although it would be nice to get a letter, that never happens because of the wonderful magic of e-mail, text messages, Facebook and Twitter. (Although I'm not complaining!) Sadly though, even sending holiday and birthday cards are becoming a lost art. For the last few years, I have been an offender but I redeemed myself this past holiday season.

I have many things on my "One day I am going to" list and I won't go too far into what has and has not been done but I will add sending cards and handwritten letters. I feel like it's one of those things that people talk about doing but I only know 3-4 people that actually do it. There are also the people who do it because it's the "fashionable" thing to do; especially when Kate Spade is designing stationery and note cards! (They are cute though - click here to view)

You can get note cards pretty much anywhere. For those extra special people, you can even get some that were created with the passion of making something special, like the ones designed by my friend, Erica (Shown here. Check out her designs at Littlepretty.etsy.com)

I guess my point of this whole thing is that it really doesn't take that long or cost that much to brighten someones day with a note to let them know you were thinking of them.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Still working on this whole "Determination" thing: Today's "Kanyeism"

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Kegs 'n Eggs 2009 was crazy fun (Thanks again, Brittany!) so I won't be celebrating much today but I will be getting back to this business of determination.

I'm still working on Kanye's "2 Keys 2 Happiness" (Please refer last Friday's blog post if you're not sure what they are) and Point #2 is making slow progress and Point #1 is...let's be honest-I'm probably further away from reaching that than I was 3 days ago. Sad.

In assessing what today's "Kanyeism" was going to be, I had some new insight that I thought I would share. (FYI-assessing involves me taking out the book and dropping it on my desk. Whatever page it opens to is what I choose. I guess it's a Kanye eight-ball in a way!)

Embrace Your Flaws (pages 25 and 26)
"Recognize and embrace your flaws so you
can learn from them. Sometimes it takes a little polishing to truly shine."

I've been having a number of challenges in the past eight months or so, they range in severity and difficulty but the source is the same. I've come to many conclusions in order to make my peace with the situation but it's one that won't be changing until the time is right. Some days are okay and some days, I'm crying when I get out of bed and I'm crying when I go to bed at night thinking about it.

After spending more time trying to find a solution and seeking counsel from those I love and trust, the reality is I cannot control this situation so I have to tailor it to fit my needs, a.k.a. Point #1 of the "2 Keys 2 Happiness." That brings us to today's "Kanyeism".

One of my flaws since I was a kid is that I take things very seriously. I wouldn't call it naivete but I expect people to act and react the same way I do. The main way this plays out is the consideration and respect that I give to people. People have told me that I often treat people who don't deserve it with respect. And as Jamaal eloquently put it, "It sad, but it is unrealistic to expect people to respect you the same way you respect them."

I am in no way perfect but I grew up with the understanding that it is important to treat people well. So, here is where the breakdown comes - when people don't treat me in a way that I feel is appropriate, I cannot handle it and feel that I cannot tolerate it. (Not good progress toward Point #1 especially because I can't control that) With that being said, I think the goal in upholding this theme of Determination is that:

(1) I have to learn to not take things personally that are not that important to me in the first place.

(2) If someone doesn't hold my feelings, talents or skills in high regard, I shouldn't dignify their ridiculousness with my time or attention.

Every day is a new test and today is undoubtedly a new one. I will do my absolute best to remember the "2 Keys 2 Happiness" and that I must "Embrace My Flaws." For now, that is all I can promise, because I am only human.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

King of Determination: Today's "Kanyeism"

As you may or may not know, this month's theme is Determination. I am still fighting the thesis battle (and I think I am winning) - it made it through first round approval! And dealing with some other challenges but trying to be mindful that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

In times like these, I definitely am thankful for the wonderful support of my friends, family and Jamaal. But when it's just me and these challenges, I need something to remind me that I am bigger and better than the negativity around me. So, I consult "Thank You and You're Welcome", Kanye West's book of "Kanyeisms" - his thoughts on the world and how to interact with it. He is the King of Determination and these 30 second pieces of advice have saved my sanity many a time.

Today's Kanyeism (from page 23 and 24)
"2 Keys 2 Happiness"
One...Being able to tolerate things that make you unhappy.
Two...Being able to change things to make you happy.

Now, if you have a low tolerance and don't have the ability to create
change, there's a good chance that you will be unhappy!

Spoken from someone who has embodied determination. I usually do okay with the second point. I try to keep my time away from work or school as my time and not cloud it with things that make me unhappy. But the first point, I need to work on desparately.

I wasn't spoiled by my parents into thinking that everything would be go my way all the time however I have always worked under the assumption that I don't have to deal with things that I don't like. The older I get, I realize, not true (all the time). So in addition to my commitment to Positive Thinking (which is still kinda questionable), I am adding my commitment to working on Mr. West's first point.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Talk about cleansing your karma!

WARNING! If you have not seen the movie, Seven Pounds, and plan on seeing it and don't want to know what it is about, you probably shouldn't read this blog post. However, I'm only going to give an overview because I want you to watch it for the specifics.

In December, a close friend told me about a morning radio show she had listened to that recommended that everyone see "Seven Pounds." I had not heard anything about it besides the fact that Will Smith starred in it. She said the radio host said it was one of the movies that he saw that he had seen and couldn't hold back tears. We began to talk about something else, I didn't see it and never heard anything else about it.

In February, while visiting my parents and watching the Super Bowl, my dad suggested that I see it. I took note and put it on my "To Watch" movie list for a lazy day. A couple of weeks ago, Jamaal and I decided to watch it.

Essentially, Will Smith plays a successful engineer who has it all - great job, great car, great house and great fiancee but he doesn't appreciate it. He works all the time and has difficulty separating himself from his work. On the night he proposes to his fiancee, he continues to check his Blackberry while driving down the curvy hills of Southern California. Before he can stop, he runs into an SUV and kills the 6 people inside plus his fiancee.

In an effort to cleanse his karma, he sets out to save 7 lives as penance for what happened. Posing as an IRS auditor, he "tests" 7 different people to see how worthy they are of being helped in a way that will change and even save their lives. He forms strong bonds and even falls in love with one of them without any of them knowing his plan. Mysteriously, he disappears as each of the 7 people are helped in a domino effect while learning that he died to give each of them a gift. (You'll have to watch it to find out what the gifts are!)

I had not cried from watching a movie like this in ages. It was deep. I recommend that you watch it. It's definitely worth the $4 rental fee at Blockbuster or putting it on your Netflix list.

I love my blog and hope you do too! I NEED YOUR COMMENTS!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thoughts on a Rainy Day

It's Day 2 of crazy rain in Chicago and although it sucks, a friend pointed out that it is better than snow. So I digress...

On top of it being another rainy day, there are only 19 days left to get my thesis done. As promised, I have worked on it every day like the "Finish Your Thesis in 15 Minutes a Day" book and another friend advised me. It's definitely moving along but more and more I see why people don't work and go to grad school at the same time.

I look forward to the day when I don't have t keep carrying it - and the 20 articles that support it - with me every day for those rare times when I'm stuck waiting for something and want to feel productive. It will be nice to have a "normal life" - whatever the hell that means.

Sitting at work and at home (working on said thesis) and in the car (driving to work or school) has definitely had an effect on the fact that I have not been getting as much exercise as I need/want. I was getting some good runs in once a week for a while but that came to sad halt when the thesis and sleep rose to the top of the list as the number one priority.

I know - I've read more books, magazines, websites, blogs, etc. that I can count that tell you that exercise must be a priority and you have to schedule it along with everything else on your calendar. Sounds good but not always ideal for me. This week, I have resumed my research on capoeira. (If you don't know what that is, click here to view a video)

No doubt intense, I think about studying it at least twice a year. No time is ever really a good time and it's quite evident that although I will be less busy at some point, I will always be busy to some extent. There is no better time than the present (I think) so I think I will pull the trigger and start this week!

Until then I will let you know how it goes - with the thesis and the capoeira.

Enjoy your Sunday,

Friday, March 6, 2009

Chickpea: A Little Mediterranean Getaway

In sad celebration of my intern's last day, some colleagues and I took her out to lunch. At the request of a friend/colleague, we went to the new Mediterranean getaway: Chickpea.

My go-to Mediterranean place has always been Sultan's Market (the Wicker Park location). But as you know, while the food at Sultan's is amazing, the restaurant is somewhat small and parking can be tricky but it's a trade off for the eye candy who we affectionately named "Beirut."

Located near Chicago and Damen Avenue, finding parking on Chicago Avenue was fairly easy to do. Because it is so new, it doesn't have a sign yet so we just went in assuming that it had to be it. The decor is a mixture of Middle Eastern fixtures and retro movie/comic book posters. Interesting combination.

When we walked in, we were slightly confused because no one was there to show us to a table. The host told us we could sit where we liked and came over shortly thereafter to give us the lowdown: Chickpea is designed to be somewhat like your home, no waiters or waitresses because they want you to feel like a part of the process. You order at the counter, grab your silverware and beverage and reseat yourself.

Prices were not exorbitant and quite reasonable, approximately $10 per person. The menu contains a statement that says that the food is prepared by the owner's mother. We wondered if there really was a little Mediterranean lady in the kitchen cooking all of this food or was there a chef just making the food according to her recipes. Although we did not see her, my friend that had gone there before confirmed that in fact, his mother is the cook and she is the one that makes all of the food. Amazing!!!

The food was incredibly fresh with very crisp flavors. I ordered the Mufta sandwich which has beef and lamb, roasted vegetables and hummus. It was extremely good! However, when I tried to order a falafel on the side, to my disappointment they told me that they don't sell them a la carte (although they do at Sultan's). We ordered the falafel platter and shared it. The platter came with 6 falafel and a duo of sauces that were quite good. The hummus was wonderfully fresh and creamy. The only other disappointment was the lentil soup that my colleague ordered.

Of additional interest is the bathtub in the washroom - a clear indicator that the space was an apartment that was built into a restaurant. All in all, it was a great experience. I will definitely go back and I wish them luck!

Correction: They do have a sign - it was on the ground written in chalk. We noticed it when we left. I tried to take a picture but I couldn't capture it without casting a shadow over it.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

This is going to be like "Rocky"...Times 10

(Imagine the Rocky theme playing in the background for effect)

It's March 1st! Time for a new month and a new theme. I did some thinking and I think this month's theme will be "Determination."

With all that my life demands right now, I do actually get a lot done in an amazingly short amount of time. But sadly, it's truly crunch time. I'm so ready to graduate and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. People ask all the time, "When will you be done with school?" and I excitedly answer, "My thesis has to be done by April 1st so only a month or so. How exciting!" Well guess what, it's March 1st so I only have a month to get my thesis done!!

I've worked on it in spurts, here and there and even bought the "How to Get Your Thesis Done in 15 Minutes a Day" book. But now it's time for the rubber to meet the road. So today is the beginning of my 30 day countdown (all to culminate with a celebration at the end of the month of course!) to getting my thesis done.

I'll be asking all of you to keep me accountable and motivated and definitely, Determined!

Hasta manana,