Sunday, February 1, 2009

You have to try this at home!

Happy Super Bowl! (Go Steelers!)

It's February 1st, Super Bowl Sunday for most and for those who have been following the blog, Day 6 of Positive Thinking. Days 1 and 2 were a little rocky but once I let go, stopped making excuses and just did it - something magical happened. Actually, several magical things happened - I actually got more things done, I could think clearer, time slowed down and I was actually able to appreciate what I had accomplished and believe that everything else would get done.

While mainly in jest, it was also scary when I realized how much time and energy it took to focus on all the things that I could not control or that weren't going my way. I've never really been sold on the opposites attract concept and my attempt to change my thinking has showed me a different side.

One of the things that I am blown away by is that the more positive I become, the more opportunities present themselves to eliminate negative energy. The more I'm laughing the less I'm crying. The more I'm smiling, the less I'm frowning. The more time I'm spending on accomplishing goals, the less I feel that I'm running out of time. Time is one of many things that cannot be recovered and it feels irresponsible to spend it focusing on things that aren't healthy. Although January is over (which is so weird), I will continue my personal journey to Positive Thinking.

That brings us to February. I have made the executive decision that February will be devoted to Love. Each blog post will focus on my experience with Love - people, places, things, new experiences, memories, etc. My goal this month will be to focus on love - giving it, receiving it, expressing it and cherishing it.

Now that the tone is set for the month, I will return to watching the Super Bowl (Go Steelers!) with my family, as I love them and they love me. The older I get the more I realize that no one will love you like your family.

See you tomorrow!

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