Sunday, February 1, 2009

Insight on a Page: My Love of Writing

Sorry for the delay, it's been a quite a week!

In the spirit of February's theme of Love, I just wanted to share my love of writing with you. When I was a kid, I was all about reading: anything and everything all the time. Naturally, as I got older I started to understand the work that goes into writing these wonderful things to share with the world and developed a profound respect for the art of writing.

As a superfan of all of our available technology, I risk sounding like a hypocrite when I say, "People don't communicate personally anymore." Writing a letter, thank you note, poem, epic takes time and in a busy world, many of us feel that time is not a luxury that we can afford (myself included).

I can't even count how many times over the past few years that I've thought about journaling. I've bought journal after journal, lost them, used them for To-Do Lists, given them away as gifts yet never found the time to write a single word on the page. So you can imagine my undying excitement when blogs hit the scene, personal expression and technology: the perfect marriage!

Even after 2 years of grad school and working full-time on communications, you would think that I would have my fill of writing. But for me, herein lies the difference. Writing is like any other art form, meant to be a wonderful, complete personal expression, free of criticism and parameters. For me, no matter how passionate I have been about dissociative identity disorder or the psychological effects of domestic violence on women or my desire to get my thesis done, writing according to someone else's standards is not the same as writing for yourself.

Writing is one of those things that is contagious. I am absolutely thrilled with this blog because even if no one reads it, it is my personal forum to express myself. Writing has opened up creative channels that were previously closed to me. I am able to think clearer and my dreams are even more vivid. It's very magical.

So if no one but you reads it, write. Write when you're happy and when your day didn't go as planned. No one can edit your thoughts and feelings - and neither should you.

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