Monday, January 4, 2010

Getting in Shape - UFC Style

One of the most common questions that Jamaal and I have been asked over the last few months is, "So, what have you been up to since your move?"

After we moved, we wanted gym memberships to go along with our fresh start. Nothing too involved, something easy that fit along with our natural routines that we could utilize when we needed and stay generally healthy. So, the answer to this question is, "L.A. Boxing."

It couldn't be farther from "easy" or "not too involved" but we have nonetheless fallen in love with it. Imagine UFC training in a group for an hour and more sweat than you know what to do with, three to four times a week. We are focused more on Mixed Martial Arts and have gotten our yellow belts (No worries, we're nowhere near black belt status). Jamaal has also been training in Krav Maga. (Google it - it's kinda intense.)

It was a much needed change after a month or so of brunches, lunches, dinners, drinks and appetizers from our "impending move" celebrations with family and friends. Outside of dropping pounds and developing healthier, non-restrictive eating habits, it has become a part of our natural routine (it's still not easy though) and the people we have met along the way have become a part of our new DC network. We'll be on this road for a while and I'll keep you posted on our accomplishments.

Want to try it? You'll be happy to know that they have more than 70 locations nationwide (2 of which are in Chicago in the South Loop and Wrigleyville). If you have time, stop by and take a trial class and think of us while you're dying in the corner!


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