Thursday, March 12, 2009

King of Determination: Today's "Kanyeism"

As you may or may not know, this month's theme is Determination. I am still fighting the thesis battle (and I think I am winning) - it made it through first round approval! And dealing with some other challenges but trying to be mindful that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

In times like these, I definitely am thankful for the wonderful support of my friends, family and Jamaal. But when it's just me and these challenges, I need something to remind me that I am bigger and better than the negativity around me. So, I consult "Thank You and You're Welcome", Kanye West's book of "Kanyeisms" - his thoughts on the world and how to interact with it. He is the King of Determination and these 30 second pieces of advice have saved my sanity many a time.

Today's Kanyeism (from page 23 and 24)
"2 Keys 2 Happiness"
One...Being able to tolerate things that make you unhappy.
Two...Being able to change things to make you happy.

Now, if you have a low tolerance and don't have the ability to create
change, there's a good chance that you will be unhappy!

Spoken from someone who has embodied determination. I usually do okay with the second point. I try to keep my time away from work or school as my time and not cloud it with things that make me unhappy. But the first point, I need to work on desparately.

I wasn't spoiled by my parents into thinking that everything would be go my way all the time however I have always worked under the assumption that I don't have to deal with things that I don't like. The older I get, I realize, not true (all the time). So in addition to my commitment to Positive Thinking (which is still kinda questionable), I am adding my commitment to working on Mr. West's first point.

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