Friday, November 27, 2009

High Class Problem

The news, two newspapers, going to work, people on the train, my morning coffee, meetings, the work day, things I'm writing, things I'm reading, things I want to be writing or reading, great lunches, more meetings, the bus, going home, TV shows, recipes, Jamaal, the gym, Mixed Martial Arts, family, friends, DC, Chicago, etc. etc. etc.

I have what some like to call a "high class problem." As I'm sure you've noticed, I haven't blogged in a really long time- not because I haven't thought about it. I think about it all the time. Not because I'm not inspired either-the merciless list above are all the things that inspire thoughts or feelings that I want to write about every day. Time is, unfortunately, an issue at the moment but l'm trying to work smarter not harder and squeeze in some mobile blogging in during the day!

Just to update-Jamaal and I are great! The move proved positive for the both of us. We're acclimating well to DC. It has a progressive charm to it - but it can't and won't ever replace Chicago.

I successfully cooked my first real Thanksgiving dinner, something I've never had to do by myself before. I had some great recipes and it was actually a lot of fun. I feel so grownup now!!!
This year has provided me with some challenges and some amazing new opportunities. I am eternally thankful for the friends and family that supported me through both. I hope you had a safe and happy Thanksgiving - time for Christmas!!
