- I thought the Michael Jackson Tribute was highly appropriate and definitely a celebration moreso than a memorial. I can only imagine that it was emotional for Janet but the entire performance was very thoughtful and executed well. Plus, "Scream" is one of my top 3 MJ songs so it was a treat.
- I would be okay if they never asked Russell Brand to host again - I think the world isn't quite ready for him or the other way around....
- Kudos to Wale as the House Band. I admittedly don't know much about him and am still trying to get a grasp on the DC music scene but it's nice to know that there is a scene that is getting noticed.
- Although he didn't win, I expect Kid Cudi will clean up next year. Check out his album on Tuesday when it's released!
- Lady Gaga - whoa. Different but interesting - talented yet strange. At any rate, since I don't know much about her, I will need to do some research.
- Oh, Kanye. At the end of the day, he was outrightly rude and inconsiderate. He did apologize on his blog however it could have totally been avoided. He apologized to her mom and plans to call her today to apologize (per the blog). I am somewhat of a closet Taylor Swift fan and I think she deserved the award she won. To be 17 years old with that type of talent is something special. At the basic level, if you have to have an outburst, at least have an outburst that makes sense. Rightfully so, he was escorted out the building and watched the rest of the show on TV like the rest of us. Given that it wasn't a category that he was nominated in or even related to (he didn't write, produce or direct the song or video), it was in poor, poor taste. But when I woke up this morning, I thought "Kanye strikes again." I believe that Kanye West is one of the artists that truly believes that any publicity is good publicity. He was nominated for a couple of awards that most people wouldn't remember the next day for a video that most people didn't like (I happened to like it but I'm only one person) - and didn't win in either category. He didn't wear anything outlandish. He attended the VMA's with Amber Rose, no shock there. He needed something to keep people interested in him. So today, blogs, radio shows, websites and television shows will all be talking about him. It doesn't matter that it's not favorable - without his stunt, no one would have a memory of him at the show. But there is a not-so-fine line that he crossed. As in life, you don't burn bridges in the industry because you just never know what may present itself later. You know that I am 200% a Kanye fan but I can't respect a lack of integrity and respect. I am still a fan of his music because I think he is way more talented than he is humble or appropriate. But be forewarned, you always have to remember your karma, Kanye.
- Although I was not a huge fan of the song or video, I believe that Beyonce did what she does best with her performance. And kudos to her for allowing Taylor to reclaim her moment and formally accept her award. She handled the situation with grace and poise and saved her karma.
- Still undisputed, Jay-Z also did what he was born to do in creating a live art through music. Always simple and understated in the physical sense, his songs and performances transcend most in taking you along on a personal journey with him that chronicles his life and the story of where he has come from. You don't have to a be a rapper or even from New York to understand a struggle. Can't wait for the tour. (Alicia Keys looked great and was a nice accompaniment)
- Just a little suggestion for MTV - please brief your security on who is and is not allowed on the stage during said performances and distribution of awards. It was really out of hand. Really.
Now that Kanye has got you talking, check out his performance with Jay-Z and Rihanna tonight on Jay Leno. Have a great Monday!